Daniel Pace makes own success and fears

You have to tip your cap to Daniel Pace. He was like so many veterans who came home from Iraq with nothing but hope and a stash of combat pay. He started a small company in the Seattle area, and success built on success. Now he lives in a million-dollar home with a commanding view of the surrounding countryside. He looks like a winner on every count.

But there are signs that not everything is as it seems. He lives alone, and his social contact is limited once he lives his office. That beautiful home is surrounded by a high wrought iron fence, and no one gets in without knowing the proper access code. Is the fence there to keep threats out or secrets in?

I have one Pace first draft done, but I need to revise that considerably. I am about a third of the way through a second Pace novel, but I won't forge ahead without getting the first novel completed to my satisfaction. There is a lot of good stuff in that first novel, in my humble opinion, but it's just not there yet as a bright and tight finished product.

Here's my current author's scoreboard: One R.W. Clay novel finished and out to selected agents (although I ran into an unexpected roadblock that I will write about soon); a Sean McNabb novel that is out for reviews by my readers; a second McNabb novel in process; the two Daniel Pace projects; and some preliminary research starting soon for a second R.W. Clay novel. And I have preliminary plans for a single novel that will spin off a McNabb story, but that character hasn't even been written yet (although I know most of the details about his life).

So, I'm not exactly sitting here idle. I'm loving every minute of it.


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