
Showing posts from January, 2020

Priming, the art of brain manipulation

     I am always fascinated by Malcolm Gladwell's thoughts and analysis. I am increasingly interested in his observations on a tactic called priming that he examines in his book Blink. Here's a brief introduction to the concept.      A professor of psychology gave student volunteers a set of scrambled sentences. The professor didn't tell the participants anything about what the study was designed to do or what the sentences were intended to do. Here are some examples: 1.       him was worried she always 2.       shoes give replace old the 3.       be will sweat lonely they 4.       should now withdraw forgetful we 5.       sunlight makes temperature wrinkle raisins      The sentences are not meant to form a sentence or use words to form one. It’s to give indicator words to elicit an emotional respon...