Dec. 26 is the oddest day
Imagine this: You are the younger sibling in the British royal family. That's what Dec. 26 must feel like. That oldest sibling, the one in line to become king, has been ballyhooed about since his birth. Articles have been written about him, and experts on all things royal concentrate on what 4-year-old King To Be is like, or 8-year-old King To Be, or King To Be as he enters puberty. The younger sibling is forced to watch it all. He or she must smile and wave properly in all those family gatherings in which everyone must smile and wave properly. But that younger sibling knows that the most that will be said about his or her ranking in the pecking order is "Edward will begin school next year" or "little Beatrice acted in a kindergarten Christmas pageant yesterday." We've heard nothing but Christmas this and Christmas that for months. We saw holiday decorations in retail stores as early as early October. People waiting for that big day stuck to budgets or f...