
Showing posts from October, 2018

Sen. Susan Collins is my hero

I joined millions of viewers who watched all 45 minutes of Sen. Susan Collins' announcement Friday that she would vote to affirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court. She used facts to support her vote. She articulated points of his judicial background, shooting down widely- (and wildly-) held propaganda points put forth by those opposing Kavanaugh's nomination. She cited case law. She took a reasoned, detailed approach, which was refreshing given the chaotic atmosphere in the halls of the Senate. She stood up for what she believed, she stepped into the public limelight, and she gave a rational response to justify her vote and attack wrongs committed by those who wanted Kavanaugh ousted. She is being vilified by the far left, and she is a target of big-money efforts to unseat her. Her crime in their eyes? She had the audacity to come to a different conclusion than they had. One of the big wrongs committed (and I wrote about this in a blog entry) is th...